well well well, so much for that 15-1 mark. O well, I would feel a lot worse if the birds had actually looked like they wanted to play that game. When I think about it though, the game didn’t mean anything so they were just there to get out. Plus the rams needed the win a hell of a lot more than the Eagles did. So, the Eagles are gonna go 14-2! LoL, i hope…….Anyways, a few days have passed since the last entry and I feel a lot better than I did. Well, mentally that is. Turns out I ended up playin some Package football on Monday and realized the hard way that I was out of shape to say the least. I didn’t mind tho cause my perfermance was one to make Dawk happy. HaHa. 3 picks, 2 TD catches and a TD kick. (I guess thats what they call it when you intercept it and decide to kick the ball to the endzone where ur teammate (Eddie) then picks the ball up in the endzone for a TD?) LoL who knows tho, it was fun. Hmmm, what has been goin on lately? This break has had its beat nights. And when I say beat, I mean beat. LoL. But at the same time, it has also has had its random ass nights that turn out to be hella fun. So this is how is goes. I tell Ali to give me a call for one day in her life yesterday, do u think she does it? Hells no! She decides to IM me at 11 o’clock to say she is comin to pick me up. It turns out she kidnapped the Featherheads! So me, Joey D, Jake, and chelle are in Ali’s car heading south on I-95. Where are we headed? To Dallas fucking Texas to beat the shit out of Roy fucking Williams, thats where! Atleast thats what the Featherheads were under he impression. So were all pumped up ready to kick some ass when ali says that she has a only an eighth of a tank of gas. WTF? So we ended up stopping at a rest stop a little past Middletown, DE and walk around. With the Feathers on of course. And I wonder why people are sometimes staring at us. Because they are jealous and they wanna be a Featherhead! Atleast thats what I assume. After we walked around for like 20 min, we got some gas, hopped back in the focus, stopped at a WaWa and came back to chicheddah. It was random to say the very least. HaHa but on the real, it was a great night because it was so random and to tell you the truth, those are the kind of nights that make the best memories. Hopefully, this will be the start of not sitting in the house every night on winter break. So I look forward to that. Well thats enough to write just for sitting here and being bored. So in closing, once again, A.I. is the fucking man, the Eagles will go 14-2, and FedEx better get my Kyle Korver jersey here today or I will be forced to write a strongly worded letter to them. HaHa, LaTeR all…………..

2 thoughts on “

  1. well i guess ill comment on urs since u commented on mine  🙂 lol last night was really random . but it was  fun .. and hopefully there will be no more sitting at home nights during this break.. at least we can still look forward to the mountain trip! well i gotta go get ready for work.. ill talk to you later ..
    Chelle! ❤

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